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Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


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Education Above All's participation in the 2021 WISE Summit

Calendar icon 07 - 09 December 2021
From 7-9 December, thousands of education experts, collaborators and innovators from around the globe will convene in Doha, Qatar, and online for the WISE Summit, 2021. Under the theme “Generation Unmute: Reclaiming our Future through Education”, this year’s summit will explore the impact of the global pandemic on education and seek solutions to address the many crises facing our global society.

As part of WISE, the Education Above All Foundation (EAA) will host a number of panel discussions tackling a range of topics, from how to empower marginalised youth and bridge the gap between education and employment, to fostering dialogue for future peace and security. Just some panellists anticipated to participate include Her Highness Sheihka Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of EAA and UN Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, Ms. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, and President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda.

Most notably this year, to further the much-needed call to action for reaching Universal Primary Education (UPE) EAA, under its Educate a Child Programme, will announce new government commitments to its bold and exciting ZERO campaign, which strives to show that it is possible to educate every child and reach Zero Out of School Children. EAA will also take part in the WISE Village, an interactive event space where work will be showcased through film, art and interactive maps.

Here is the live streaming of the key events for EAA:

EAA Plenary session - Educate Every Child: Zero OOSC

After setting an audacious objective of reaching and enrolling more than 10 million OOSC, Educate A Child, a global programme of the Education Above All foundation is now poised to undertake another bold goal. EAC will demonstrate that it is possible, even in some of the most challenged countries, to educate every child and reach Zero OOSC. EAC is working with selected governments and partners on solutions that work for OOSC, aiming to reach another historic milestone in education. This is a bold approach that encourages multi-sectoral contributions and facilitates children’s ability to realise other rights as well as their right to education.


  • Dareen Abughaida (moderator)
  • Carmen Burbano de Lara
  • H.E. Moustapha Mohamed Mahamoud
  • Audrey Azoulay
  • Paul Kagame
  • Adama Barrow
  • H.E. Simai Mohammed Said
  • H.E. Helen Grant
  • H.E. José Manuel Barroso

Afghan Refugee Education Response: Where we are and what can we do?

The United Nations has warned that up to half a million Afghans could flee the country by the end of the 2020 year and has called on neighbouring countries to keep their borders open. The current crisis comes on top of the 2.2 million Afghan refugees already in neighbouring countries and 3.5 million people forced to flee their homes within Afghanistan's borders. Due to constant movement coupled with fear and uncertainties, Afghan refugee children are at the risk of losing access to important years of learning and development. Moreover, the status of the efforts to re-settle and educate the refugees remains unclear, owing to the numerous stakeholders involved at multiple levels. Education Above All will host this panel discussion with eminent organisations working towards the education of Afghan refugee children from different countries, to brainstorm solutions to pressing challenges the global community faces in this space.


  • Lamis Hasan
  • Jacqueline Strecker
  • Jeffrey Dow
  • Arezo Kohistany
  • Elisheva Cohen
  • Janhvi M. Kanoria
  • Renault Lotte
  • Tanya Qadir
  • Zabihullah Ghazawi
  • Dean Mark Kline
  • Christer Gundersen
  • Danielle De La Fuente

Uganda and S. Sudan Youth Film: “Peacebuilding in Their Eyes”

Education Above All’s programme, Reach Out To Asia (ROTA), Doha Film Institute (DFI) Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) have collaborated to produce a youth film titled “Peacebuilding Through Their Eyes”. Produced using youth cameras, the film is focused on issues shaping peacebuilding in South Sudan and Uganda. Importantly, the making of this film provided youth with the opportunity to record their perspectives on issues related to peacebuilding, and related challenges under the overarching framework of Global Citizenship Education. The film intends, through the youth cameras lens, to capture the views of youth on social issues that shape youth development agendas and sustainable peace. After the film is presented at WISE 2021, a formal discussion between a group of experts will be hosted during the same session in order to draw the youth messages to the world, as well as conclusions and directives that can inform the youth social development and peacebuilding agenda.


  • Esther Ambrose
  • Yata Ambrose
  • Fatma Hassan Alremaihi
  • Richard Hoffman
  • Mojisola Sonoiki

Education and Climate Action: A Multisector Approach for the SDGs


  • Fahad Al-Sulaiti
  • H.E. Bader Al Dafa
  • H.E. Alessandro Prunas
  • Dana Al-Anzy
  • Roula Hamati
  • Hessa Al Noaimi
  • Reem AlHaddadin
  • Giuilia Camilla Braga
  • Leonardo Pinheiro

Quality Education and Sports for a Better World

The round-table discussion will delve into the ways in which quality education (SDG4), inclusive of sports and physical education, can be harnessed to bring about more peaceful, just, and sustainable societies (SDG16), particularly in an era of mass migration, discrimination, economic uncertainty, and resurgent racism/xenophobia. Attendees should leave the discussion understanding the linkages and how education and sports could potentially be used to build a better, more inclusive world.


  • Joannie Bewa (moderator)
  • Hon. Mustapha Ussif
  • Fabien Dilem
  • Nick Sore
  • Jojo Ferris
  • Mary Joy Pigozzi
  • Robert Jenkins

Bridging the Gap Between Education and Meaningful Employment: Empowering marginalised youth across the MENA region – Resilience in a post-pandemic world

Post-secondary education is no longer a luxury, but a minimum requirement to gain meaningful employment for marginalized youth facing poverty, conflict, and forced migration. We must bridge the gap between higher education and employment, providing youth with transferrable 21st century skills to maximise their full potential, and preparing young men and women to build prosperous and peaceful communities. We must also focus on economic empowerment and equality, accelerating innovative capacity building and digital upskilling, so our beneficiaries, especially women, acquire the skills needed to be competitive and to thrive in future job markets, as well as to contribute to end-to-end value creation in their countries and beyond.


  • Tom de Bruijn
  • Khalifa Al-Kuwari
  • Rawaa Augé
  • Yannick Du Pont
  • Ibrahim AlSafadi
  • Maha Haidar-Makki
  • Filippo Grandi
  • Abdulrahman Hesham Al-Sowaidi
  • Ana Martinengui
  • Husna Ahmad OBE
  • Tehmina Akhtar

Generation #UniteToProtect: Youth Advocacy Workshop on Education and Sustainable Peace

Education Above All Foundation’s Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC) Programme has developed and implemented a quality capacity-building module for youth in conflict-affected communities for knowledge and skills that are essential for education advocacy and sustainable peacebuilding. At this youth advocacy workshop at WISE 2021, participants will have an opportunity to learn about the module and PEIC’s experience in the field, following an interactive discussion with global experts on the protection of the right to education. Participants will then be invited to take part in designing an advocacy plan for the International Day of Education (24 January) as part of the global campaign, #UniteToProtect, that would be potentially implemented in 2022.


  • Dr. Susan L. Karamanian
  • Kathleen Flynn-Dapaah
  • Maleiha Malik
  • Boran Choi
  • Abdulaziz Al Sulaiti
  • Fatima Hamad Al Thani
  • Moza Al Thani
  • Moza Al Hajri
  • Noor Al Kawari
  • Al Jazi Al Marri
  • Shaikha Al Marri

*No live streaming available.


IFERB as an Emergency Response during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Education Above All’s Internet Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) is an internet-free, low resource and interdisciplinary multi-resource library that was created to ensure learning continuity during the pandemic. This panel aims to create a space for partners that have implemented IFERB's project-based learning resources in their community to share their learnings, insights and best practices towards ensuring the effective implementation and sustainability of the approach. This panel will also provide partners with the opportunity to share the challenges that they faced and discuss innovative solutions.


  • Janhvi M. Kanoria
  • Leena Zaher
  • Deborah Kimathi
  • Hejang Misao
  • Stanzin Saldon
  • Arnab Barua
  • Hector Swazi
  • Mari Lim Jones
  • Larry Rosenstock

A New Generation Reclaiming Our Future in a Post Pandemic World

This interactive session will be led by EAA & Silatech youth beneficiaries from across the MENA region, and aims to showcase the ambition, resilience, and adaptability of marginalized youth affected by conflict, as well as the negative impact of Covid- 19, as they seek to give-back to their communities. The session is divided into two main panels: First, EAA’s youth will highlight the unique skills they have acquired through Al Fakhoora’s Civic Engagement programme, sharing the impact of their initiatives on their local communities and how their pay-it- forward attitude has inspired their peers to do the same; then, Silatech’s beneficiaries will discuss the positive socioeconomic impact they have made within their communities through self-employment, entrepreneurship, and capacity-building.


  • Huda Almzainy
  • Radwan Awad
  • Yahya Jumaa
  • Lina Bassel Shkeir
  • Mahmoud Suhail El ghazawi

Strengthening Intergenerational Dialogue for Collaboration to Shape the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda

The session will introduce guidance for governments on how to develop national youth, peace and security (YPS) Strategies and a 5-year roadmap for strengthening youth inclusive peace processes. Participants will have the opportunity to jointly contribute to these outputs and explore ways they can engage with these efforts in their countries. Furthermore, the session is intended to strongly anchor and build momentum around the YPS agenda among a wider spectrum of stakeholders, and solicit more thought leadership and active engagement around the conference outcomes & roadmap.


  • Saji Prelis (moderator)
  • Celina Del Felice
  • Irena Grizelj
  • Ambassador Frederic Gateretse-Ngoga
  • Aleu Garang
  • Julius Kramer
  • Roderick-Victor Nyangi Ntsiama
  • Eddy Yav
  • Dione Sharon Epie
  • Saisabel Alruwaidan


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Our Impact


total beneficiaries


3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


Qatar Scholarship


1 million+

Youth Development and



total beneficiaries




connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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