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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Develop innovative solutions that address unsolved challenges in the education landscape.

Our Objective

The Innovation Development (ID) aims to put technology and innovation to good use by introducing new, cutting-edge ways to make learning accessible to all, and particularly to the most marginalised youth in underserved communities.

Our Approach

Through its Ideas Lab, ID works with its partners to gather real-time intelligence and tailor-make solutions around student gaps, needs, resource accessibility, and community context, through fast, data-driven designs.

Our belief in empowering people and communities to innovate and problem-solve lays at the heart of our commitment to the IDD project. 

We focus on projects that hold the potential to produce solutions that are tailor-made for our target communities, are cost-effective and implementable, are sustainable, and are in line with our values and work.

Our Way Forward

ID continues to identify, develop, and implement community-centric, intelligence-based, and data-led solutions across its innovation cycle on a bi-annual basis. 

The department is building on the success of its technology-enabled DSP and technology-free IFERB projects to grow their reach and clout in target communities over the coming years. 

ID plans to evolve DSP from its MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach in India, to multiple adapted models designed for sustainability across different countries, including in Zambia for government-run learning centres, and in Uganda for refugee learners. In India, its pilot market, DSP will grow its scope to cover the completion of G10 exams and extend its network to new partners across the country. 

In tandem, ID will build on IFERB’s pandemic-targeted solutions to build and design a holistic  Education Uninterrupted Toolkit, addressing short-term disruptions to learning in remote areas. The  Toolkit also serves as a springboard for IDD to expand content areas – with a focus on literacy and numeracy – add resources for specific learner contexts, conduct pilots in different geographies at a faster pace, and enable increased dissemination and reach through partnerships with media and educational platforms. 


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser


14.5 million

enrolment commitments for OOSC




retention rate


Teachers trained


schools and classrooms