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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Expanding Opportunities for Learning Project

Project Status

The Expanding Opportunities for Learning Project in Djibouti is a multi-layered World Bank lead programme that aims to increase equitable access to basic education, improve teaching practices and strengthen the management capacity of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFOP).
Student in their classroom in Djibouti

Overall, this project comprises four main focus areas:

  1. Establishing the foundations for quality preschool education;
  2. Expanding access to and improving retention in primary education with a particular focus on vulnerable and underserved groups;
  3. Capacity building to support teacher development and student learning; and
  4. Strengthening MENFOP’s management capacity and data systems.

A results-based component has been integrated into this joint project, which will see 35,000 OOSC enrolled into quality primary education. The project goal is to support Djibouti in realising Universal Primary Education by 2024. 


  • Low perceived quality
  • Lack of trained teachers
  • Gender discrimination
  • Refugee status
  • Lack of school infrastructure


  • Comprehensive communication campaigns
  • Teacher training
  • Gender-sensitive interventions to facilitate girls’ enrolment
  • Support for refugee and special needs enrolment
  • Provision of teaching and learning materials
  • Capacity building

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