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Empower 2015

Calendar icon 12 - 14 March 2015
The three days event includes a combination of seminar panel discussion, keynote speeches, small group workshops, seminars, off-site activities, exhibition and youth artistic expression. Since 2009, EMPOWER has developed  a reputation for being the first youth led conference to focus on equipping young people in Qatar to take active roles in building their communities and having a voice on global issues.


“ROTA’s 7th Annual Youth Conference on Personal Leadership, Service Learning and Global Citizenship”.

Dates: 12th to 14th March 2015

Venue: Qatar Foundation Student Center


EMPOWER 2015  The three days event includes a combination of seminar panel discussion, keynote speeches, small group workshops, seminars, off-site activities, exhibition and youth artistic expression.

Since 2009, EMPOWER has developed  a reputation for being the first youth led conference to focus on equipping young people in Qatar to take active roles in building their communities and having a voice on global issues.

Every year the conference intends to create a platform for a larger number of students to learn and engage in ROTA’s youth development program in Qatar. After the success of previous EMPOWERs, we opened the conference to the Region and youth from international countries. The conference addresses a variety of issues related Sustainable Development and will focus this year on youth development for peaceful societies.

ROTA’s core strategy for promoting youth development in Qatar is to develop a network of youth service clubs within schools and universities throughout Qatar that are  geared  towards  equipping  and  enabling  young people as responsible global citizens and empowered young leaders. The Youth Conference, the RYSC leadership Training and the newly developed ROTA Youth Advisory Board are supplementary initiatives that support the RYSC program.

The program will aim to attract up to 450 young people between the ages of 17-26 including international participants. The main aim of the 3 days conference is to raise awareness and knowledge as well as build the capacities required to enable young people to take leadership roles in addressing local and international developmental issues of concern to them especially in the area Peaceful Societies, as the theme for this year’s EMPOWER conference.

Power speech and Keynote speeches are intended to inspire, inform and mobilize our young delegates to act on the three learning themes of the conference. Panel discussion will be a platform to inform participants about the EMPOWER theme of that year. The workshops are aimed to be an interactive and discursive exchange between the participants and the facilitator. Seminar aims to provide participants with tools to run their projects and campaigns.


The Conference Objectives are to:


•          Promote better understanding of youth leadership, service learning and greater awareness of global issues among 400 youth between the ages of 17-26 in Qatar and the region.

•          Provide opportunities for 400 youth to develop their skills, knowledge and attitudes to take on leadership roles which support ROTA strategies.

•          Create a platform for 400 youth to discover their voice and realize their ability to make a positive contribution in society to support Qatar 2030 on youth development.

•          Facilitate a forum for exchange of ideas, projects and reflections that address local needs and global issues.

•          Awareness creation on the EMPOWER theme.


Conference Themes


The lectures and workshops during the youth conference aim to address three themes. These include:

1.        Personal leadership: Promoting personal  excellence including setting goals and forward planning, having personal mission statements, marketing one’s skills and abilities, positive attitude and healthy self-esteem.

2.        Service Learning: Promoting civic responsibility: a duty to one’s country, community and the world as a whole. The importance of valuing diversity; developing empathy alongside desire  to help the vulnerable or to protect one heritage or the environment.

3.        Global Citizenship: Promoting youth voice on social justice issues like human rights, migrant worker situation, global economy, climate change and war and conflict.


Brief Program


Day 1

·                      Opening Ceremony, Key note speeches

·                      and Power Speeches

·                      Key note speeches

·                      Exhibition  


Day 2

·                      Panel Discussion

·                      workshops

·                      Seminar

·                      Youth Artistic Performances

Day 3

·                      Off-site community service projects

·                      Reflection activity

·                      Cultural/talent show and Closing ceremony

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Empower 2014 Glimpses



"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Our Impact


total beneficiaries


3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


Qatar Scholarship


1 million+

Youth Development and



total beneficiaries




connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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