Caritas Congo

Caritas Congo ASBL has a long history of operating schools in the DRC and currently provides more than 41% of all education services in the country. Caritas has long proven experience in resource mobilization and management of programs/projects as well as in the sectors of humanitarian emergencies, health and development with a wide range of donors. It has long-standing experience in mobilizing and structuring community participation to ensure the ownership and sustainability of its interventions by beneficiaries.
Caritas Congo ASBL has been a constant in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since before the country’s independence in 1960. Caritas works with key education stakeholders to support education of out of school children ensuring collective ownership for sustainability.
Through the EAC and Caritas partnership, children whose right to education has been denied will complete a quality primary education. Caritas Congo ASBL will rely on its network of partners for the effective implementation of this project.
For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Caritas Congo ASBL website.