Improving the educational capacities of children and youth in Irbid governorate
Project Status

Project Approach and Methodology The project methodology has been developed based on NRC’s global experience in implementing education and youth programmes in 30 countries, including in Jordan since 2013. The programme is directly responding to the changing context in Jordan following the promises made by the Government of Jordan (GOJ) during the London Conference. For this reason, the education programme will focus on supporting the overarching MoE plan by supporting the quality of the formal school system. Through the support of other donors, and in close cooperation with the MoE, NRC is already constructing additional classrooms in public schools in Irbid to address overcrowding and allow access for additional Syrian refugees, thereby removing one of the major barriers to education.
ROTA’s support would complement this intervention by addressing other barriers to accessing quality education such as the lack of appropriate civil documentation, by providing information and counselling on accessing documentation, and the lack of support for children who have missed years of school and are at risk of dropping out, by providing additional educational support during the summer months. In addition, NRC will respond to the absence of programming for youth, and the increased GOJ commitment towards vocational training and employment, by building the skills of Syrian and Jordanian youth in cooperation with CBOs. Lessons learnt from NRC’s youth intervention in the refugee camps in Jordan will be applied to the newly established youth programme in the host community.