Supporting the Education System in Iraq
Project Status

Formally launched on the 8th of July 2009, stemming from an agreement between UNESCO and the Office of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, the Supporting the Education System in Iraq project was placed under EAA’s Al Fakhoora programme in early 2015. This project initially included work in all 24 of Iraq’s governorates. However, since 2014, security issues limited implementation of the project to five governorates (Al Anbar, Nineveh, Salah Al Din, Kirkuk, Diyala).
- Curriculum Development: Development of new Maths and Science curriculum completed; 570 math and science curriculum specialists trained; 680 teachers trained.
- Rehabilitation Iraqi Higher Education System: 273 Ministry of Higher Education Science & Research (MoHESR) university managers and staff trained, 55 MoHESR senior staff and high-level managers trained on the Quality Assurance Framework and Policy Development.
- Teacher Education and Training: 17,698 teachers and 782 master trainers, teacher trainers, and specialist trained.
Literacy Initiative for Empowerment: 800,000 literate learners completed literacy programmes, and 10,814 vulnerable illiterates enrolled in literacy and life program.