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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


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Assalam Schools

The Education Above All Foundation (EAA), under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) and in collaboration with national charitable organizations, initiated mechanisms to support children in Qatar with access to education through the establishment of specialized, tuition-free schools entitled “Assalam.”

The initiation of these schools has been undertaken through the Together Project within the Education Above All Foundation and has adopted as its primary mandate the reduction of impediments to education faced by marginalized children in Qatar such that they can assimilate into the schooling system and complete formal education. 

The First Assalam School provides out-of-school children of non-Arab heritage with schooling from Year 1 to Year 6 based on the Cambridge International Curriculum. The majority of enrolled students are long-term residents of Qatar from Pakistani heritage. Literacy recovery, language acquisition, and academic skills development in alignment with a UK curricular framework delivered in English, serve as the primary goals of this school.

The Second Assalam School offers Grade 1 to Grade 12 and caters to out-of-school-children of Arab heritage through the Qatar National Curriculum. The school serves a demographic of students from across the Arab world, primarily Yemen, Syria, and the Sudan. The goal of this school is to facilitate academic progression according to the mainstream public school curriculum and is delivered in the Arabic language.

The Third and Fourth Assalam Schools offer a hybrid academic-vocational model delivered in the English language to students of both Arab and non-Arab heritage. The grades of instruction span Years 7 to 13 following the British system. While the academic route is based on the International Cambridge curriculum, practical, hands-on skills are developed through recognized technical and vocational qualifications such as BTEC. Each of these schools is dedicated to a single gender and aims to graduate students with occupational skills in greatest need in Qatar’s labour market, while simultaneously facilitating their academic progression to higher education.

The Fifth Assalam School offers Grade 1 to Grade 12 and caters to children through the Qatar National Curriculum. Additionally, the school aims to serve children who have never attended school or those with multi-year gaps in their schooling that can only be bridged through a specially-designed school model with a tailored academic recovery framework.

All Assalam schools are approved to offer dual shifts (morning and afternoon), and mainstream, adult, and homeschooling options in order to adequately meet the needs of Qatar’s children while adhering to ministerial guidelines.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Our Impact


total beneficiaries


3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


Qatar Scholarship


1 million+

Youth Development and



total beneficiaries




connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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