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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


INSPIRE I Revitalizing education and Building Peace in Post Conflict and Flood Affected Swat Valley (INSPIRE I)

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The Revitalizing Education and Peace Building in Post conflict and flood affected Swat Valley project is a 3 years project that directly focuses on three strategic priorities highlighted in the CERINA cited above. • First, the project will restore public trust in governance

The Revitalizing Education and Peace Building in Post conflict and flood affected Swat Valley project is a 3 years project that directly focuses on three strategic priorities highlighted in the CERINA cited above.  First, the project will restore public trust in governance systems and institutions, specifically restoring basic education services by improving depleted resources, capacities and infrastructure. Second, this project promotes social cohesion as a vehicle for peace building. As a result of the ongoing complex crisis of militancy in the affected regions which has been exacerbated by the floods of 2010, the social fabric of the communities has been severely eroded, resulting in a loss of trust among community members.

This can be addressed by developing and institutionalizing constructive activities for youth development, such as sport and other competitive community and school led events. Third, Pakistan in general and the target area in particular have a history of vulnerability to disasters caused by natural hazards. Lack of access to adequate levels of education leaves people uninformed about the relationship between the use or misuse of natural resources and disaster risk.

This project therefore promotes - in line with National Policy Frameworks - the application of Disaster Risk Reduction standards both in construction as well as in the educational programmes. The devastation and disruption of education services resulting from the floods and conflict, and subsequent commitment by the Pakistan government to restore educational infrastructure in these areas, has provided a unique opportunity. CARE's project will assist in the revitalization of the community in ways which improve access to education and provide quality improvement support including:

A focus on facilitating the return of children (boys and girls) to school;

A focus on ensuring that all girls go to school;  

Free teaching and learning materials for all children and project schools;

Reactivating and strengthening of PTAs to support enrolment and school governance;

Increasing access to primary schools and middle level education;

Address the need for more female teachers as well as providing incentive packages for female teachers to ensure their attendance in schools;

Advocacy & community / social mobilization for increased enrolment;

A more integrated approach to school improvement which addresses all key factors influencing the quality of education for both boys and girls, including better health and hygiene, school safety and provision of psychosocial support for children and teachers affected by the conflict and floods; and Support to district education offices for improved monitoring outreach of the educational activities at the school level.


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