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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Literacy, Primary Education, and Community Development Programme

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TM and Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) entered into a three-year partnership in July 2008, for a total of US$ 355,637, designed to improve the lives of the community, especially women and children, in Murad Khane and to create permanent links between Afghan communities and the people of

TM and Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) entered into a three-year partnership in July 2008, for a total of US$ 355,637, designed to improve the lives of the community, especially women and children, in Murad Khane and to create permanent links between Afghan communities and the people of Qatar. The cooperation was in the context of Literacy, Primary Education, and Community Development programmes and included the following: • A public school in Murad Khane, teaching grades nursery to 5, including supplementary literacy courses for other children • Literacy and skills training for Murad Khane women • Delivery of community development programmes • The creation of a dedicated courtyard facility for use by women and children


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