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Generation Amazing-Nepal

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Generation Amazing: Youth Development through Football, (Alternate name: Youth Football Plus) was designed together with Qatar 2022, the Government of Qatar’s bid for the 2022 World Cup, as a corporate-social responsibility activity to use the popularity of football to catalyze

Generation Amazing: Youth Development through Football, (Alternate name: Youth Football Plus) was designed together with Qatar 2022, the Government of Qatar's bid for the 2022 World Cup, as a corporate-social responsibility activity to use the popularity of football to catalyze positive social engagement by at-risk youth. The initiative spans several countries, with Mercy Corps serving as the implementing partner in Nepal and Pakistan.

The project was built upon Mercy Corps Nepal's earlier work with youth engagement under its Youth Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation (2006 - 2008) and Peer Education in Disaster Risk Reduction (2009 - 2010) projects, both of which included activities in the Far Western Terai. The project also built on Mercy Corps global efforts to use the power of sports to promote social cohesion and engage youth in development issues. The project's strategic alliance with Kailali Football Association (KFA) and School Management Committees was designed to improve opportunities for school-based youth in flood-hit and conflict-affected VDCs of the Kailali District to learn about and play football, while also contributing to leadership development and community service.

Under the project, 8 schools based youth in flood- hit and conflict affected VDCs of the Kailali District was selected for interventions. The project was able to accomplish all activities under its four objectives. School based football coaches were formally recruited and mobilized to form both boys and girls football teams (4 teams comprising 2 girls and 2 boys team in each school altogether 672 students) in each school and, later train on basic football skills to the students. The Project undertook a rigorous selection criterion further and finally selected 336 students (2 teams comprising both boy and girl team) for regular football skills training.

Football facilities upgrade works such as bleachers, goal posts, play ground, boundary lines, dress changing rooms and other necessary components were rehabilitated and constructed in all 8 schools as per need basis and the nature and types of upgrade works are different from one another. Students were mobilized to select and design the critical issues which were designed in the form of arts and posters based on thematic issues (social, public health, governance and economic development) which were later disseminated through workshops in raising awareness in the school and the entire community. This has brought significant impact in the communities.

Training of Trainers (ToTs) was organized via workshops for the youth which supported them to build leadership skills, planning, community mobilization and decision making. School service schemes such as plantation, solid waste management, maintenance of toilets and walls etc were designed and implemented in the schools.

In coordination with a panel of external judges, the project carried out a competitive process to select eight Generation Amazing Youth Ambassadors from the target schools, including four girls and four boys. The selected ambassadors visited South Africa in June 2010, attended a World Cup match, observed football-for-development strategies in action in both South Africa and Qatar, participated in an educational tour of South Africa, and played friendly matches with youth from other countries. Upon returned Ambassadors have shared their experiences and learning among the students, teachers and parents followed by presentation of their upcoming plans on school service schemes and youth festival and league. Finally, football festival and league was organized in coordination with KFA.

Youth Ambassadors from the 8 schools and other 7 non-project schools have also participated in different extra-curricular activities (cultural dance, quiz and eloquent competitions, football tournament, posters demonstrations) which were further augmented with social led activities highlighting issues of youth, communities, football, and branding of Qatar 2022. This was well perceived by the viewers, participants and the concerned stakeholders.


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