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Peer Education in Disaster Risk Reduction

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Mercy Corps finds it essential to advocate for changing practices for disaster risk reduction through incorporating disaster risk resilient features in schools, and through raising disaster preparedness awareness among children. School-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities

Mercy Corps finds it essential to advocate for changing practices for disaster risk reduction through incorporating disaster risk resilient features in schools, and through raising disaster preparedness awareness among children. School-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities form one of four key components of Mercy Corps Nepal's disaster risk reduction work, and must be viewed in the context of a holistic community-based disaster management approach. School-based DRR work aims to increase awareness among students and teachers of the causes and effects of disasters on lives and property in general, and on measures to be taken for prevention and mitigation. This will help students and teachers to cope with future disasters and to assist communities in planning for disaster prevention and evacuation.

Furthermore, schools play a very important role in disseminating information within communities. Thus, children and young students can be an effective media to educate communities, often using creative means such as awareness campaigns and street dramas. Mercy Corps and NRCS will work with students and teachers from 8 schools representing primary, lower and higher secondary levels. At least 11,000 students will be introduced to disaster risk reduction through sessions focusing on issues such as: identification of hazards; soil conservation; preparation of disaster preparedness plans; and, mitigation intervention.

Additionally, lower intensity follow-up activities will be conducted in eight schools where Mercy Corps previously implemented DRR initiatives. As explained above, since school-based DRR is more successful in the context of a holistic community-based disaster management approach, these activities will be complemented by disaster preparedness capacity building, small scale mitigation works, and early warning system development in the broader communities that are located near the target schools.

Awareness will further be raised through school simulations and street drama performances. Key players are the Young Rescuer Clubs, which will be formed under the project at the target schools. Each of the eleven-member clubs will receive training in Disaster Preparedness planning, leadership, first aid and search and rescue. Together with their teachers, Young Rescuer Clubs will play an essential role in developing school disaster preparedness plans and disaster preparedness interventions. The clubs, lead by a teacher, will be responsible for training of peers, developing evacuation plans, art competitions and organizing simulations in their schools.


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