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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


reconstruction and furnishing of a primary and secondary school in Bayat Klaten, Central Java

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JogJakarta-Yogyakarta has been affected by many natural disasters in the past decade. On May 27, 2006, an earthquake struck this city, killing over 6,500 people and destroying the homes of over 1 million people. Many villages in JogJakartaYogyakarta, such as Bayat Klaten, are in desperate

JogJakarta-Yogyakarta has been affected by many natural disasters in the past decade. On May 27, 2006, an earthquake struck this city, killing over 6,500 people and destroying the homes of over 1 million people. Many villages in JogJakartaYogyakarta, such as Bayat Klaten, are in desperate need of re-construction. Most of the schools have been destructed destroyed and most children do not have access to education. Titan Foundation, an Indonesian NGO established in 2006, aiming to improve the education, knowledge and skills of Indonesians through long-term sustainable educational programs, proposed the reconstruction and furnishing of a primary and secondary school in Bayat Klaten.


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