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It’s About Ability!” – Sports for Enhancing and Sustaining the Access of Children with Disabilities and other Marginalized Children to Quality Education (1 in 11)

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With support from Reach Out to Asia and the Futbol Club Barcelona Foundation, the 1in11 partnership in Indonesia will continue to enhance and sustain the access of children with disabilities and other marginalized children to quality education. This is being done through demand creation

With support from Reach Out to Asia and the Futbol Club Barcelona Foundation, the 1in11 partnership in Indonesia will continue to enhance and sustain the access of children with disabilities and other marginalized children to quality education. This is being done through demand creation using a multimedia campaign and parenting education, as well as identification and testing of innovative approaches for providing an appropriate learning environment.

This partnership will support the Government of Indonesia’s target for moving towards achieving SDG 4. In this regard, UNICEF support will focus on making this initiative successful by developing models to address the lack of access to early learning and schooling for children in remote rural areas and for children with disabilities. By investing in trained personnel, improved tools, and tested models, and supported by knowledge generation and advocacy, UNICEF will contribute to improved skills, authority, and motivation of duty bearers. This, in turn, will lead to improved effectiveness and efficiency of government investments, which ultimately will improve the access and quality of education for the most marginalized children.

The programme is built not only on the basis of existing UNICEF modalities but also by leveraging the wealth of investment previously made by other partners. 1. The districts of Bogor and Sukabumi (West Java province) and Bone and Pangkajene Islands (South Sulawesi province) are modelling innovative approaches using sports as a tool to promote the inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in regular school settings, in partnership with Helen Keller Indonesia. The emphasis will be on delivering high-quality life skills based on inclusive sports and physical education modules in regular school settings and on better addressing the management of inclusive schools, including the standard of reasonable accommodation for children with disabilities 2. The districts of Bondowoso (East Java) and Mamuju and Polewali Mandar (West Sulawesi) are modelling sports as a tool to promote the inclusion and participation of children with and without disabilities in rural and remote school settings, in partnership with the Institution of Training and Innovative Consultant in Indonesia Education/Lembaga Pelatihan dan Konsultan Inovasi Pendidikan Indonesia (LPKIPI). The emphasis will be on delivering high-quality life skills based on inclusive sports and physical education in support of the grand design for the One-Roof-School (Sekolah Satu Atap) programme. The partnership with LPKIPI will also include the city of Pasuruan (East Java), which is already part of a Sports for Development programme that ran between 2010 and 2015. 3. The districts of Brebes, Banyumas, Semarang, and Kebumen (Central Java) are modelling for innovative approaches using sports as a tool to promote the inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in madrasah settings. UNICEF works in partnership with LP Maarif Nahdlatul Ulama, an education institution with a strong network of Islamic civil society organizations, and with subnational offices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The four districts were selected on the basis of commitments from the local government, developed and tested from the previous partnership between the LP Maarif NU and Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia – School Systems and Quality programme.


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