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Reconstruction of earthquake resistant schools

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The Reach Out to Asia is funding the project of addressing to the short comings in their newly constructed and handed over 10 school in the earth quake affected area of Bagh, Pakistan Administered Kashmir. The construction of these 10 permanent earth quake resistant schools were

Reach Out to Asia funded the project of addressing to the short comings in their newly constructed and handed over 10 school in the earth quake affected area of Bagh, Pakistan Administered Kashmir. The construction of these 10 permanent earth quake resistant schools were implemented by Qatar Red Crescent Pakistan office and were funded by ROTA. The project of the construction of 10 permanent schools was successfully completed and these projects have been handed over to the education department of Bagh. At the handing over of these facilities the education department had requested ROTA to also address to some short coming in this project.
