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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Changing Peoples’ Lives Through Education

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Education in Iraq has suffered from severe deterioration due to the decrease in spending, the lack of supplies, the collapse of infrastructure, and overcrowded schools. These are compounded with the continuing prevalence of classical teaching methods that focus on lectures, memorization,

Education in Iraq has suffered from severe deterioration due to the decrease in spending, the lack of supplies, the collapse of infrastructure, and overcrowded schools. These are compounded with the continuing prevalence of classical teaching methods that focus on lectures, memorization, and failure to use a deductive skills,—all of which fail to encourage student’s active engagement in the educational process. More over on-going instability since the first gulf war back in 1991, sanctions, 2nd war and violence have displaced many children and produced a generation of children without proper access to Education. The number of school-age students (6-18 years) enrolled in schools decreased by 58 percent in 2007/2008. The dropout level was 2.8 percent at the secondary level, with variations according to province, gender, and environment. This weakness was exacerbated by the failure to ensure that children attended and continue their studies. In addition, influence of poverty, poor economic status of the families, and the practice of child labor has contributed to the current situation.
