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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Enhancing Non-Formal Education for Palestinian Youth in the North of Lebanon (ENFE II)

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The Enhancing Non-Formal Education for Palestinian Youth in the North of Lebanon (ENFE II) Program is an extension and expansion of ANERA’s current project supporting non-formal education in Nahr el Bared. ENFE II will utilize a sports methodology as a cross cutting program strategy

The Enhancing Non-Formal Education for Palestinian Youth in the North of Lebanon (ENFE II) Program is an extension and expansion of ANERA’s current project supporting non-formal education in Nahr el Bared. ENFE II will utilize a sports methodology as a cross cutting program strategy to enhance the effectiveness of the ENFE II’s program priorities.

The sports element will be implemented in such a way so as to increase the effectiveness of vocational training and education while also encouraging the participation of girls, younger children, and youth through multiple sports activities. These methodologies are envisaged to produce a sustainable effect on vocational training and education, yielding life-long benefits to those youth who have participated in such sports-based programs.


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