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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Improving Access and Quality of Education for Returned IDP Children Affected by the Floods in Swat District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

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Save the Children, with current available funding, cannot address all the aforementioned problems faced by IDP returned children in flood-affected areas of Swat; therefore, in the proposed project, SC will focus on key areas which need immediate attention and can have a sustainable

Save the Children, with current available funding, cannot address all the aforementioned problems faced by IDP returned children in flood-affected areas of Swat; therefore, in the proposed project, SC will focus on key areas which need immediate attention and can have a sustainable impact. SC will scale up its activities if more funds can be secured.

The proposed project will be implemented in two phases (short term and long term).

In short term phase, focus will be on providing essential education supplies to 50 government primary and secondary schools damaged by recent floods as an emergency response on an immediate basis. The education supplies need will be identified in coordination with education department, community and other stakeholders.

The long term second phase will primarily focus on improving access to and quality of education services for children in and around a total of 42 government secondary and primary schools in Swat district, for which a two-pronged strategy will be utilized:

- To address the demand side of education services, a comprehensive community mobilization and advocacy strategy will be employed to reactivate and/or strengthen Parent Teacher Committees (PTCs).

- For the supply side of the intervention, the focus will be on supporting / creating a conducive learning environment in the selected schools through school reconstruction and rehabilitation, providing necessary equipment and supplies, building the capacity of school teachers in the necessary skills, health and hygiene awareness and provide sports opportunity to children to enhance their leadership skills and self esteem.


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