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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Meeting basic educational needs in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake

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With ROTA’s support, we can continue to deliver provisions to children affected by the earthquake. Provision of these materials will help support the children to continue their learning, whilst also helping return a sense of normality to their lives. Children have lost their

With ROTA's support, we can continue to deliver provisions to children affected by the earthquake. Provision of these materials will help support the children to continue their learning, whilst also helping return a sense of normality to their lives. Children have lost their text books, school materials and uniforms, so this intervention will be the first step in re-establishing a school routine. A simple measure such as giving children uniforms can contribute to them regaining a sense of normality, and in doing so help them to overcome the traumas they have experienced.

We will target our response in 25 Village Development Committees (VDCs) reaching 7,246 children, Across these VDCs we are establishing 30 temporary learning spaces to which we will distribute educational materials and uniforms. To deliver this response we will work with our ongoing strategic partners: In Rasuwa - Nepal Agro forestry Foundation; in Sindupalchowk - Community Self Reliance Center; in Dolkaha HURADEC and ECARDS; and in Kathmandu Valley - NMES and MNN. Our partners will work closely with school management committees (SMCs) and existing teaching staff.

Our initial concept note also identified volunteers who would help deliver the response. We have since amended our approach and the SMCs and children themselves will work with our partners to lead the distribution of education materials. The original concept note was submitted in the immediate aftermath of the emergency and volunteers were included in the plan to provide additional support to partners during a time of extreme pressure. The partners are now able to coordinate the distributions without additional support, and we can make the distributions more participatory by involving SMCs and children.

The budget originally allocated for the volunteers has been redirected to increase the budget allocation for education materials, to provide more school uniform items.


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