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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Enhancing Non-Formal Education for Palestinian Youth in the North of Lebanon (ENFE I)

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ANERA and NISCVT have partnered together since the war in Nahr El-Bared to meet the needs of the Palestinian and Lebanese low-income communities, primarily the youth and children whose marginalization was emphasized by the conflict in Nahr El-Bared of 2007. ANERA requests that ROTA

ANERA and NISCVT have partnered together since the war in Nahr El-Bared to meet the needs of the Palestinian and Lebanese low-income communities, primarily the youth and children whose marginalization was emphasized by the conflict in Nahr El-Bared of 2007. ANERA requests that ROTA support its efforts to continue in this mission of enhancing non-formal education for children and youth, one of the few means for them for hope for a better and decent life.

ANERA is currently working on a comprehensive vocational and technical education program in the refugee camps and the gatherings (unofficial camps) to help with the development of curricula. In parallel, ANERA recognizes the crucial need for building the capacity of trainers and teachers, particularly in non-formal and vocational training, building their capacity to effectively transfer the knowledge to students. Developing a mechanism to develop appropriate training techniques and to develop the capacity of teachers in using those techniques is another important component to the development of quality education.

ANERA is coordinating with a number of other organizations working on this topic. The aim is to identify methods of teaching that will make studies more appealing to a socially, educationally, and psychologically torn young and marginalized generation. It is important to develop these initiatives to complement formal education and vocational training, and to provide these young people with life skills that they so desperately need.


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