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Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Enhancing Education Quality through Science and Technology Innovation Clubs

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The project will involve establishing and equipping 4 ICs at each of 22 selected schools in Gaza Strip. The ICs will embrace the talented and innovative students, motivate and help them to generate ideas in the respective field of the ICs. The activities of the ICs will be implemented

The project will involve establishing and equipping 4 ICs at each of 22 selected schools in Gaza Strip. The ICs will embrace the talented and innovative students, motivate and help them to generate ideas in the respective field of the ICs. The activities of the ICs will be implemented during/after the official school hours during the school semesters and will extend during the summer time.

The types of clubs to be involved in this project have carefully been identified based on discussion and agreement with MOEHE senior staff. The outcome of establishing those clubs will be aligned with specific subject area content contained within the national curriculum. Also, the clubs aim to enhance the quality of teaching and learning by supplementing the theoretical school curriculum with opportunities for the students to learn through hands-on practical learning approaches in the clubs. At the same time, the clubs will give the students the space and opportunities for creative thinking and innovation in the relevant subjects related to their areas of interest.
