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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.



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While the project, in origin, was created to meet the needs of the ceramic community, the student participants have been both from the ceramic and batik tracks at SMK1 Bayat (7:3 ratio respectively). It has since been requested by the students and community to implement the project

While the project, in origin, was created to meet the needs of the ceramic community, the student participants have been both from the ceramic and batik tracks at SMK1 Bayat (7:3 ratio respectively). It has since been requested by the students and community to implement the project for both crafts (ceramic and batik), with separate product outcomes. Therefore, the project will now respond to the needs of both the ceramic and batik communities.

To further encourage the project, the community has allotted a building, next to Titian Foundation office and opposite to the school, to be renovated into a working studio for the program. This studio will house both the ceramic and batik classrooms/work space, with a small gallery for exhibition. In return, the program will offer special classes for community outreach, in which the students may participate. These community classes will be in drawing, patternmaking and sewing.

Likewise, while the graffiti artists will continue to be the major catalyst for creativity, additional artists and designers from other disciplines (ceramics, batik, fashion design, graphic design, design entrepreneurship, painting/printmaking, etc.) will be invited monthly, both local and international, to maximize collaborative skill-building opportunities.


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