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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Teachers Quality Improvement II

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The project is designed to run for four years, commencing in July 2010 and ending in June 2014. Over the course of the program, teachers will receive training in the following modules: 1) Personality traits for creating a sound learning environment The personality module addresses

The project is designed to run for four years, commencing in July 2010 and ending in June 2014. Over the course of the program, teachers will receive training in the following modules: 1) Personality traits for creating a sound learning environment The personality module addresses the need for attitude and behavior changes in teachers with respect to such intangible classroom issues as empathy, caring, emotional intelligence, and motivation.

While students learn subject mastery from teachers, they are also influenced by teacher personality in learning and life. 2) Social skills development to facilitate student learning The social skills module aims to impart techniques and skills, for use in the classroom, that indirectly impact student achievement. By working with teachers to develop skills in leadership, conflict management, and managing diversity, teachers are better prepared to react positively in key social situations, and thereby increase the chances for real learning to take place within their classrooms. 3) Pedagogy for facilitating strong student learning


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